A Land Remembered Free Chapters
A Land Remembered is a book you will remember for the rest of your life. We have heard from hundreds of fans speak glowingly of how much this book has meant to people of all ages and backgrounds. We hear over and over again that it is the BEST BOOK they have ever read. On a weekly basis w, have people begging for it to be made into a movie.
This is a book that will forever change the way you think about Florida, and about our pioneering ancestors who braved alligators, mosquito swarms, snakes, drought, freezes, hurricanes, bandits and disasters of all kinds to settle the last wilderness in the United States.
We don’t expect you to take our word for it. We’re going to let you read the entire first two chapters FREE so you can decide for yourself. If you don’t agree then you have lost nothing. However, most people say they are hooked after the first page, and we’re betting you will be too.
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